Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sights and Sounds

     It seems as if Spring is here. We set our clocks ahead one hour last night and we are officially on Daylight Savings time. All of the snow in our backyard has melted. The squirrels are chasing each other in our large Maple trees. In another couple of weeks our town is having its annual Maple Syrup Festival. We have a family of Starlings that have made their home in the tree closest to our house and I can watch their activities every morning as I sit and have my tea.
     At this time of year we make plans to clean and change things in our lives. I am anxious to turn our garage into a workshop. I want to paint and refinish some of our furniture and this would be the perfect spot. I am also thinking of our garden. We have many jobs in and around the house that need our attention. One of the first jobs will be to replace an ailing garden door with a brand new sliding one. 
     We have lots of sunshine to look forward to. I saw a pretty little crocus poking its face out of the crystals of snow that remained on a neighbour's lawn a day ago. Surely daffodils cannot be far behind.
Love Always Kim

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